Module 2
Opera Comica pentru Copii
The second module of the project Young Theatre on the Move was held as it was originally planned, in January 2020. The trainers worked with professionals - actors, dancers, youth workers, and covered all the categories of games and exercises, even though the brochure was still in work. The participants were focused and responsive, they worked with all the trainers present, who got involved in all the exercises and games presented.
The idea of training and sharing information related to dance and movement was a challenge. The many similarities between choreography and the way the body works in acting and stage movement has created a state of safety and happiness throughout the workshop. Of course, there are many differences in the perception of the body and of the actions, impulses in the movement - which were explained to us and through which we were guided by the trainer colleagues from the choreography / ballet department.
At that point we had no idea it will be our last workshop held in this form – with so many people gathered in the same place at the same time.
Module 2: Workshop for professionals
31. January 2020
9.45-10.00 Arrival
10.00-11.00 Introduction of YTOM project, presentation of participants
11.00-13.00 practical workshop (basic impro exercises)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-18.00 practical workshop (movement basics, sensory awareness, emotion and movement, imagination, story and movement)