Module 2
On Sunday January 19th Children's Cultural Center Belgrade exetuted Module 2 – Workshop for Theatre Professionals of YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project. The workshop was attended by 18
professional actors and dancers, employeed or engagged in various companies, institutions or organizations working with children and youth in the field of theatre and contemporary dance, together with the project management members and the official CCCB photographer. The workshop was concisted of introductory part, practical work and the open discussion about the topic cincerning the theoretical and research aspect of the project. One of the affirmative aspects of the workshop is that included a very diverse range of participants, coming from very formal systems like National Theatre, Bitef Theatre dance Company or Una Saga Serbica Dance Company, research organizations like CEDEUM, cultural centers, from private dance and ballet schools and inititiatives to the individual professional actors and dancers engagged in work of cultural or educational entities such as NTC Learning System. CCCB managed to strech the geographical range of participants having them from Belgrade, but also from Pančevo, Obrenovac, Novi Sad and Brza Palanka. Quite significant amount of time was spent on the explanation of the term Creative Moment in the context of the Young Theare on the Move, but once that the main key words and ideas have been cleared out, the practical work was sucssesfully executed, with a lot of spirit of learning, playful atmosphere and with the general notion that the workouts and games in the practical handbook collected by the trainers on the Kick off Meeting Workshop are very useful tool in working with children and youth.
The participants in general expressed very strong will to take part in all future project activities. The Serbian project team got the invitation to present project in Theatre Festival for children and youth »Matter Terra 2020«. The final discussion was about what can be done to support the development of drama education and interest in theatre and what competitive steps can be taken to make changes in the current cultural and educational situation in Serbia. Conclusion of the workshop emphasised the roll of this project as a example of the good practise and the specific action aimed to support of fulfilment of the audience development goal.