
The last joint module will encourage participants to already envision their presentations at the Impro move days in all partner countries. Artist-trainers will suggest possible ways of using the newly gained audience development knowledge and translating it into a performance format.

Joint Module III: Preparation for Impro Move day

On Wednesday May 12th  2021, Children's Cultural Center Belgrade executed Joint Module 3 – Preparation for Impro Day of YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project. The Module was executed with the goal of presentation of the project and the dissemination of project results in the region other than the home region of the partner institution (which for Children's Cultural Center Belgrade is the City of Belgrade) and as a first part of preparational module for Impro Day. The Module was executed in region of Central Serbia, in the City of Kruševac. More precisely, Children's Cultural Center Belgrade participated in the Festival of school theatre organized by the Cultural Center Kruševac and supported by the City of Kruševac. The Festival hosts drama groups operating in schools, pre-schools and other educational institution in the City and the Rasina county. The Module was attended by the drama pedagogues and school teachers who lead the drama groups – participants of the Festival. The workshop was the educational upgrade in their work and the preparation for the IMPRO DAY SERBIA since the selected drama groups will be the participants of this Young Theatre on the move show-case event scheduled for June 2021 in Children's Cultural Center Belgrade. The event was opened by the director of Cultural Center Kruševac Mrs Violeta Kaplarević, which also attended public relations activities alongside Dalibor Stojanović – project manager and Tijana Kesić Stamenković and Ivana Tabori Obradović – artist trainers on the project. The event was covered by Radio Television of Kruševac, Plus Television Kruševac and local media news portal. The event was announced as a part of the Festival in newspapers: Kurir and Večernje novosti.

The execution of Module lasted for thirteen hours, including five and a half hours of workshop activities -  meet & greet, media coverage, introductory part, two sessions of practical work and the Conclusion and Q&A session. Each participant of the workshop received a Workbook  - the draft version of the Young Theatre on the move methodology brochure, containing specific exercises and games in the field of dance improvisation and creative movement. All of the participants of the workshop agreed to give their contact for the Young Theatre on the move network.

The Joint Module was executed with the with respect to all health regulations and measures adopted to prevent the epidemic Covid 19. The exceptional value of this workshop was the attendance of the manager of Educational Correctional Facility For Minors “Kruševac“ and two of her colleagues – tutors. She is a associate of NTC Learning System in Kruševac, but the attendance of the Facility team was made in the prospective of gaining new professional skills in the field of creative and educational work with the minors - the residents of the Facility. The use of Young Theatre on the move methodology with this target group give a complete new prospective to the project and the potential future of the project results. Educational Correctional Facility For Minors “Kruševac“ is the biggest and most important institution of this type in Serbia and to regional public is known through the television series from the eighties “GRAY HOUSE“ (“SIVI DOM“) popular throughout the former Yugoslavia, written by Gordan Mihić and directed by Darko Bajić.


Venue preparation & YTOM Serbia Team Meeting

Public Relations Activity
Meet & Greet, Enrollment of the participants


Working Session 1 – Theatre based IMPRO MOVE exercises

Coffee and Snacks break

Working Session 2 – Stage Movement based IMPRO MOVE exercises

Conclusion, Q & A


Young theatre on the move