Joint Module II - Going Local, Gornji Milanovac
Gornji Milanovac
Additional Activity - JOINT MODULE II - GOING LOCAL 2 SERBIA has been executed thanks to many years of successful cooperation between the Cultural Center Gornji Milanovac and the Children's Cultural Center Belgrade - the organizer and host of Glumijada - an international festival of revival character which presents acting schools for children aged 5 to 19 from Serbia and the region. Glumijada, as a manifestation, is aimed at developing creative thinking and communication skills in children and youth, as well as at arousing interest in theater and literature at all ages. Workshops for children are also held at Glumijada, dealing with topics important for the drama and media professions: voice, movement, scenography, costume, music, directing, film, TV, YouTube and new media. The festival was in City of Gornji Milanovac (region of Central Serbia) presented through educational workshops for children and pedagogues on the methodology of IMPRO MOVE, researched within the project YOUNG THEATER ON THE MOVE, whose festival is one of the activities.
The activity is an additonal activity of the project timeline, held with the support of the lead partner Pionirski Dom and executed on the basis of extraordinary demand for the project dissemination activities in various cultural venues across Serbia. Another additional activity Joint Module Going Local 4 is set for October 30th in Cultural Center of City of Svilajnac – region of Eastern Serbia.
The idea of the additional activity was to expand the results of the project and present IMPRO MOVEMENT techniques for working with children and youth, pedagogues, educators, teachers, high school teachers and colleagues who educate children in a creative way in Gornji Milnovac, as well as students of Gornji Milanovac High School. Complete engagement on the Module lasted for 15 hours in total, 9 working hours and included 6 working sessions. The workshop was led by expert trainers: Dragana Stanisavljević, Tijana Kesić Stamenković, Ivana Tabori Obradović and Marija Blagojević. Expert Trainer Paul Murray was unavailable to atend on justified reasons, so CCCB team engagement the replacement: Mrs Marija Blagojević – expert trainer on Young Theatre project (which preceded the Young Theatre on the move project) and the certified participant of the YTOM Module 2 for theatre professionals. Dalibor Stojanović, project manager of the Young Theater on the Move, was in charge of the introductory lecture and the final address, questions and answers. Each of the participants received materials for work on the workshop and a certificate of attendance. The workshops were documented by a camera, for which permission was requested from the workshop participants. The workshop was held in compliance with all epidemiological and hygienic measures prescribed by the Cultural Center and the Srbian Authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. A new episode of the TV show NEW DREAMS, by Ivana Teodorović Stojanović, co-produced by the Children's Cultural Center Belgrade and Television Koreni, was recorded about the guest appearance of the team of the Children's Cultural Center Belgrade, as well as current events on the topic of culture for children and youth in Gornji Milanovac. The show will premiere on Wednesday, October 27 at 4:30 p.m., and then be aired on the Тelevision Koreni YouTube channel.
Problems in execution: The execution of the event faced two difficulties. First one is related to Covid 19 epidemic, meaning that we got the information from our hosts that their Director but also the Editor of Children Programs (which was the person coordinating our guest appearance) got the positive results of the PCR tests, feeling seek and being in isolation, which threatened the cancelation of the event. We have negotiated the substitute organizer and executed the event. The second situation was related to the media coverage. Just two days before the event we also got the information that the local media will be occupied with covering the visit of the Minister of defense to the City and will not come to the event. Luckily, we have brought a TV crew with us, which filmed the children TV show and covered the Young Theatre on the move event as the local cultural news.
Public relations activities
10.30 - 12.00
Warm-up and demonstration exercise:
IMPRO MOVE workshop with children and youth
12.00 - 12.30
Participant enrollment and introduction
Introductory lecture
Working session 1 with pedagogues - IMPRO MOVE exercises based on theatre improvisation
Lunch break
Working session 2 with pedagogues - IMPRO MOVE exercises based on creative movement
Coffee and snack break
18.00 - 19.30
Conclusion, Q&A
19.30 - 20.00
Awarding certificates, photo opportunity