Joint Module I – Artist-trainers exchange part 3
On Saturday May 7th 2022 Children's Cultural Center Belgrade executed Joint Module I – Expert Artist Exchange part 3 of YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project. The Joint Module was executed with the clear goal of will encouraging participants to envision their presentations at the Impro Days that will take place in CCCB in YTOM IMPRO DAY Serbia 2022.
The Module included the participation bof two guest appearances of artist-trainers from the partner institutions: Ana Romih - choreographer, dancer, artist, mentor, educator and co-founder of KUD Qulenium Ljubljana and Grzegorz Sierzputowski - professional actor, director and a theater pedagogues, Impro actor and trainer, chief and the founder of the Warsaw University of Technology Theater and Chief Executive Officer of the Trans-Atlantic Theater Foundation.
The Module suggested to the participants possible ways of using the newly gained audience development knowledge and and how to translate it into a performance format. The participants had the opportunity to practically test desired formats and games and receive feedback from the whole artist-trainer team. The workshop was attended by professionals from institutions or organizations working with children and youth, together with the project management members and photographer. The most specific participant of the workshop was a professional baby therapist of Special hospital for cerebral palsy and developmental care in Belgrade, who participated to gain a new practice which could help her in her work. The workshop included eight hours of activities including introductory part, two sessions of practical work and the Conclusion and Q&A session. The workshop also included the promotional activity of the brochure. Each participant of the workshop received an Official brochure of the Young Theatre on the move methodology, containing specific exercises and games in the field of dance improvisation and creative movement. Most of the participants of the workshop agreed to give their contact for the Young Theatre on the move network. The workshop was inducted into the program of Glumijada – International Festival of children theatre play, which took place in Children's Cultural Center Belgrade. The Expert Artist Trainers had the honor to officially open the Festival and to present the project to the audience of the Festival.
It is important to emphasize that the guest appearance of the Mrs Romih and Mr Grzegorz Sierzputowski received very positive public relations and media attention. Mrs Romih had an interview for the TV Vesti news channel and both Mrs Romih and Mr Sierzputowski gave interviews for the main news of the National Television of Serbia.
Ana Romih
With Greg we held our workshop, where we each choose exercises and methods that during the project were confirmed as successful. There was also Serbian team helping us and supporting the group needs, while also participating. So we started with scanning the body, warming up getting in touch with our body parts, with ourselves. After that we opened our introvert mood into extrovert, walking through space, observing, feeling, touching, and playing games of connecting the group. We did the name exercises in circle, in space, after that we did little performances: half of the group was performer and the other half was spectator, then we switched and discussed what we saw, felt, and think about this method of creative movement and improvisation. We introduced our brochure in the middle, where every participant got one, discussing a bit what was it about and that they can use it as a great tool. After that we did some more games, where we talked about how and when we can use them, especially with children. At the end there was a moment of observing – being present in a moment: awareness. We finished with relaxation and massage and circle of what we are Grateful for today. From my perspective beginning was hard, to break the ice and to get everyone relaxed and to start speaking the same language (body), we needed some time as a group to sync and open up.
But at the end everybody was open, connecting with their own self – mind and body, connected with the group. All the comments we got were exactly the same as we have them all the time: THIS IS SO AMAZING, WE NEED TO DO THIS MORE OFTEN, IT REALY HELP US RELAX, FEEL MORE, SEE THINGS IN A DIFFERENT WAY AND IT PUSHES US FROM OUR COMFORT ZONE, WHERE WE HAVE THE OPPURTUNITY TO FIND NEW THINGS. So in that sense i would say they do implement improvisation and creative movement into their work, in their own way, finding solutions for breaking the boring lessons and known methods.
Grzegorz Sierzputowski
The event in which I had the pleasure to participate was perfectly prepared in every respect. Both the workshops that we conducted with Ana Romih as part of the exchange of trainers of the Young Theater on the move program, as well as workshop for children and performances of the "Glumijada" Festival - everything was technically perfectly prepared, so everything could be done on time and won thanks teachers and children. I would like to thank CCCB team once again for inviting me and for the opportunity to participate in this extraordinary event. It was also a great pleasure for me to be able to comment on the project in Serbian media and at the same time to share my opinion. Thank you very much once again.
FRIDAY MAY 6th 2022
15.30 – 16.30
Public relations activities: TV coverage
9.00 - 9.30
Meet & Greet of the participants at Children’s Cultural Center Belgrade
YTOM Briefing
9.30 – 10.00
Registration and introduction
10.00 -11.00
Session 1
11.00 - 11.15
Opening of the GLUMIJADA 2022 Festival – Official address to the audience and the presentation of the YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project
11.15 -12.30
Session 2
13.00 - 14.00
Session 3 – workshop with children, TV coverage,
Q&A, conclusion, photo opportunity
15.45 - 16.00
YTOM team evaluation meeting