Joint Module I: Artist-trainers exchange
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The Artist Exchange Module took place on 5th of March, 2022. The workshop was attended by a mixture of professional artists, art related professionals, youth workers and communication department professionals. Some of the participants attended for the first time to this kind of activity, some of them were familiar to the project and its values.
We planned a small presentation of the project and of the trainers, which we had at the beginning of the day. After the short introduction we started the actual workshop that included theatrical improv games and creative movement based on dance exercises. We kept an open way of holding the workshop in the way of not making a strict planning of all the activities, and I strongly believe that it was the best decision – all the activities evolving and being based on the energy of the group.
We started with basic games – ice-brakers and fun games and then we switched to movement, trust, emotion based exercises. All these fun activities were meant to help the participants learn how to explore and regulate their emotions and then we shifted to more deeper and complex situation and activities. We also held at the end of the day a debriefing and feedback session.
Joint Module I: Artist-trainers exchange, March 2022
9.30 Arrival
10.00 – 10.30 Greetings, opening words. Presentation of the project and trainers.
10.30 – 11.00 The importance of improv in teaching and ways of integrating improvisation into the pedagogical curricula in strategic and thoughtful ways. The importance of integrating improv techniques in personal and professional life.
11.00 – 12.00 Workshop - Impro: Basic elements to work with. Values. Handing over the information in the brochure.
12.00 – 12.15 break
12.15 – 13.30 Workshop - Impro: Basic elements to work with. Values. Handing over the information in the brochure.
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch time
14.30 – 17.00 Creative laboratory regarding improvisation techniques - suggestions, execution methods, applied and explained games.
17.00 - 18.00 Feedback and conclusions